We have redefined strength,
sensitivity, and affordability.
Our crappie rods are the lightest, strongest, most sensitive, and most affordable crappie rods on the entire United States market.

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Shane Brister
Rippin Lips Crappie Guide Service
Lake Waco
Call for pricing.
I was raised in Lometa, Texas and made my career as a Correctional Officer, where I have worked for the last 36 years. I have been married for 29 years to my wife, Sherri. We have two boys, Cody and Caden I grew up fishing with my dad since I was old enough to remember on Lake Buchanan and the Colorado river. I have always been an avid hunter and fisherman. I started Rippin Lips Crappie Guide Service two years ago and I am addicted to crappie fishing. I enjoy taking people out and sharing my knowledge in the pursuit of crappie. I enjoy seeing people have fun and catch crappie. I especially enjoy having kids out and helping them land fish after fish and see the smiles that it brings to their faces. I have been in Gatesville, Texas for 32 years and primarily guide on Lake Waco.